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二十四孝之五 老莱七十 戏彩娱亲(chinese and english)

老莱七十 戏彩娱亲

5、老莱七十 戏彩娱亲  老莱子,周朝时人,生性至孝,对双亲极其诚敬。自己年岁虽已七十,但不说老。常穿五彩衣,学孩子游戏;有时担水上堂,诈跌卧地,学孩子哭。千方百计让二老欢喜,笑口常开。

5.Lao Lai Seniors is seventy years old ,Learn children's games to please parents  Lao Lai Seniors,He is extremely filial and shows great respect to his parents.He is seventy years old, but he never says he is old.He often wears colorful clothes to learn children's games;Sometimes when carrying a bucket to fetch water, he deliberately falls to the ground and cries like a child.Do his best to make his parents happy


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